Efinity is a 5-day Faculty Bonding Program specially organized for incoming freshmen from NTU Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) and Information Engineering & Media (IEM). Through exhilarating games and activities, you will get to experience endless fun and make new friends along the way. So prepare yourself for an unforgettable orientation experience to kick-start your university journey.


1. What is Faculty Bonding Program?
It is a trial mentoring initiative by the professors and students of EEE & IEM. The program aims to bond EEE & IEM undergraduates (freshmen and seniors) in a fun filled environment with game and cheers that will start of your university life with a BANG! It is also serves as an opportunity for professor mentors to better understand and interact with EEE & IEM undergraduates.
2. When is the program?
The 5-day program will be held from 1st to 5th August 2016, Monday to Friday.
3. Where will the program be held at?
Most of the program activities will be held in NTU. Overnight stay in chalet will be available and are strongly encouraged as it will be an opportunity for greater interactions with your peers and seniors.
4. How much do I have to pay?
You will need to pay $40 upfront which will cover the meals throughout the program. You will also be given a free Efinity T-shirt and singlet. Payment methods will be made known at a later date.
5. Will this program clash with the EEE & IEM Freshmen Welcome Program?
No, it will not be affected. We have made arrangements such that you will not miss out on the valuable information and experiences that you will receive from EEE & IEM Freshmen Welcome Program. You will be able to collect your matriculation package and attend all 2 days of the welcome program.
6. Can I participate in both the Freshmen Makers' Program and Efinity FBP?
Unfortunately, no. As the EEE & IEM Freshmen Makers' Program (1 - 3 August 2016) will be held at the same period, you will only be able to attend one of the two events.
7. I have QET/ISB. Am I still welcomed to join?
Yes! We have made arrangements such that you can attend your tests during the given timeslots.
8. How do I register for the program?
Efinity will send out invites to potential students for this trial program. Interested students are encouraged to express interest early in the link provided below.

The Express Interest Link is no longer available as we have sent out all the invites to potential students for this trial program.


For any queries, feel free to drop us an email at